L’Engagement 1.0 Will Headline at Cinéma Le Sévigné 43 April 21

On Thursday, April 21, L’Engagement 1.0 will come to life at a very special screening and a Q&A with director Stephane Guenin.

Cinéma Le Sévigné
43, rue du Muguet, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné
April 21, 2016 at 8:15 PM in UTC+02

>>Tickets can be purchased at the cinema’s official website

Enticed by wealth and frightened by evil, Jewish attorney Nathan Ganzer’s (Geoffroy Thiebaut) life changes when he is unexpectedly detained by the French Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) and forced to endure an intense interrogation. The agents accuse him of aiding suspected Arab terrorists and skillfully manipulate Ganzer into believing he will be implicated in the next attack.

Bluffing his way free of the devastating indictments, Ganzer finally discovers his ability to take control of his life and exact revenge on those trying to destroy him.

>>More information can be found on the film’s official webpage. >>Be sure to visit the event’s Facebook page